Daily Use Sentences

31 English Sentence with Urdu Translation Used in Farm

English Sentence with Urdu Translation Used in Farm

The following blog will be about the things and animals that are found on a farm. It is an important lesson to learn because we should have an idea about what type of things are present there. The following blog is all you need to know about the farm items. These words are translated into Urdu for your ease so that you can easily get your hands on them and learn these words.

31 English Sentence with Urdu Translation Used in Farm

There are some sentences as well which will help you out in knowing the meaning of these words, by which you can have an idea of where to use these words and where not to. These are a few basic important words that you can easily learn in 3 days and this will also enhance your English skills and speaking skills. By learning these words your vocabulary will also get better and you will know new words.


Fence باڑ The fence was too high. باڑ بہت اونچی تھی۔
Oats جئی I love eating oats. مجھے جئی کھانا پسند ہے۔
Grain اناج There were a ton of grain bags in the shed. شیڈ میں ایک ٹن اناج کے تھیلے تھے۔
Farmer کسان The farmer was ploughing the soil. کسان مٹی جوت رہا تھا۔
Hen مرغی The hen laid an egg. مرغی نے انڈا دیا۔
Rice چاول This is a rice field. یہ چاول کا کھیت ہے۔
Acre ایکڑ He owns acres of land. اس کے پاس ایکڑ زمین ہے۔
Poultry پولٹری The poultry farm was so smelly. پولٹری فارم بہت بدبودار تھا۔
Harvest کٹائی It was time to harvest the field. کھیت کی کٹائی کا وقت تھا۔
Egg انڈہ I take 2 eggs for breakfast. میں ناشتے میں 2 انڈے لیتا ہوں۔
Rabbit خرگوش The rabbits had red eyes. خرگوش کی آنکھیں سرخ تھیں۔
Scarecrow ڈراؤنا پتل There were 2 scarecrows in the field. میدان میں 2 خوفناک نشان تھے۔
Animal جانور We should stay away from wild animals. ہمیں جنگلی جانوروں سے دور رہنا چاہیے۔

English Sentence with Urdu Translation Used in Farm


Sheep بھیڑ The sheep’s were grazing. بھیڑیں چر رہی تھیں۔
Milk دودھ He drinks milk before sleeping. وہ سونے سے پہلے دودھ پیتا ہے۔
Crops فصلیں The crops got destroyed by the locusts. فصلیں ٹڈی دل سے تباہ ہو گئیں۔
Soil مٹی The soil is ready to plant. مٹی پودے لگانے کے لئے تیار ہے۔
Herd ریوڑ The dog was guiding the herd of flock of sheep’s. کتا بھیڑوں کے ریوڑ کی رہنمائی کر رہا تھا۔
Barley جو I love to eat barely porridge. مجھے جو  کادلیہ کھانا پسند ہے۔
Land زمین This land is barren. یہ زمین بنجر ہے۔
Hive چھتہ There was a bee hive under the tree. درخت کے نیچے شہد کی مکھیوں کا چھتا تھا۔
Duck بطخ There were so many ducks in the pond. تالاب میں بہت سی بطخیں تھیں۔
Gate گیٹ The gate is open گیٹ کھلا ہے۔
Stable اصطبل The horses were in the stable. گھوڑے اصطبل میں تھے۔
Bee  مکھی The bee stung me. مکھی نے مجھے ڈنک مارا۔

31 English Sentence with Urdu Translation Used in Farm


Tractor ٹریکٹر There were huge tractors in the farm. فارم میں بڑے بڑے ٹریکٹر تھے۔
Fertilizer کھاد The farmer added fertilizer in the soil. کسان نے مٹی میں کھاد ڈال دی۔
Vegetable سبزی I love to eat vegetables. مجھے سبزیاں کھانا پسند ہے۔
Buffalo بھینس The buffalos were in the river. بھینسیں دریا میں تھیں۔
Honey شہد This is pure honey. یہ خالص شہد ہے۔
Dairy ڈیری He owns a dairy farm. وہ ایک ڈیری فارم کا مالک ہے۔
Irrigation آب پاشی They will soon start the irrigation process. وہ جلد ہی آبپاشی کا عمل شروع کر دیں گے۔
Horse گھوڑا The horses were running in the field. میدان میں گھوڑے دوڑ رہے تھے۔
Goat بکری The goat got caught in the net. بکری جال میں پھنس گئی۔
Shed چھجا  The shed was full of hay. شیڈ گھاس سے بھرا ہوا تھا۔
Corn مکئی We went inside the cornfield. ہم مکئی کے کھیت کے اندر چلے گئے۔
Water پانی The water was so cold. پانی بہت ٹھنڈا تھا۔

English Sentence with Urdu Translation Used in Farm PDF

English Sentence with Urdu Translation Used in Farm PDF

Learning English through sentences and vocabulary is one of the easiest and best ways to learn the English language and improve our speaking skills. In this lesson, we have mentioned some useful English vocabulary words with their Urdu meaning and Sentence so that you can utilize them in your daily routine and improve your English.


A blogger and English instructor have been teaching the English language in different institutes of Quetta, Pakistan.

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