Daily Use Vocabulary

66 Hospital Vocabulary in English and Urdu

Hospital Vocabulary Words in English and Urdu

The following lesson will be about the medical and hospital vocabulary that could be used in a hospital. These words could be practiced daily in your English language and will help you out in your spoken English. This lesson will help you gain confidence in the words that are spoken in the hospital so that you can easily have conversations with the hospital employees in English. There are many different types of complex and easy words that are used in a hospital that you might not even know. Below is a list of words that you could use in a hospital and you will get an idea about the new words that are spoken in a hospital.

66 Hospital-Related Vocabulary in English and Urdu

As a learner, you need to learn the basic starting English words that are important for you to learn and will help you in improving the English language and spoken English. The following words have been translated for you into Urdu so that you can have an idea about the words and can easily learn the medical words that are used in the hospital.


Doctor ڈاکٹر Doctor
Dentist دندان ساز dandan saaz
Capsule کیپسول Capsule
Aspirin درد کم کرنے والی دوا dard kam karne wali dawa
Diarrhea پیچس pachis
nurse نرس nurse
Decongestant دوا جو ناک کو کھولے dawa jo naak ko khole
Antiseptic  جراثیم کش jaraseem kash
Cleaner صفائ والا sfay wala
Weakness کمزوری kamzoree
Bandage پٹی patti
Emergency ward ایمرجنسی وارڈ emergency ward
Alcohol شراب sharaab
Exercise ورزش werzish
Hospital gown ہسپتال کا گاؤن hospital ka gaon
Bacteria بیکٹیریا bacteria
Consulting doctor کنسلٹنگ ڈاکٹر consulting dr
Medicine دوائی dawai
Appetite بھوک bhook
doctors office ڈاکٹر کا دفتر dr ka daftar


Blood test خون کے ٹیسٹ khoon ke test
Allergy الرجی allergy
Bone ہڈی haddi
Waiting room انتظار گاہ intzaar gaah
Cough کھانسی khansi
Bruise زخم zakham
Patient مریض mareez
Antihistamine الرجی دور کرنے والی دوا allergy daur karne wali dawa
Caplet خول میں بند گولی khoal mein band goli
Prescription نسخہ nuskha
Dizzy چکر آنا۔ chakkar aana .
First aid  ابتدائی طبی امداد ibtidayi tibbi imdaad
Thermometer تھرمامیٹر tharma meter
Hives جسم پر لال دانے jism par laal danay
Outpatient بیرونی مریض bairooni mareez
Lozenges لوزینجز Lozenges
Veterinarian جانوروں کا ڈاکٹر janwaron ka dr
Stretcher اسٹریچر astrichr
Hospital cot ہسپتال کی چارپائی hospital ki charpayee
Surgeon سرجن surgeon


Checkup جانچ پڑتال jaanch partaal
Sprain موچ moch
Injection انجکشن injunction
Paramedic پیرامیڈیک Paramedic
influenza زخام zukham
Prescribe تجویز کریں۔ tajweez karen .
Infection جراسیموں کا حملہ Jaraseemon ka hamla
Appointment ملنے کا معاہدہ milnay ka moahida
Massage مالش کرنا maalish karna
splint پلاسٹر کرنا palaster karna
Sore دردناک dard naak
Midwife دائی daai
Rashes دھبے dhabbay
Indigestion بد ہذمی Badhazmi
Asthma دمہ asthma
Psychologist ماہر نفسیات maahir nafsiat
Anti-depressants اینٹی ڈپریشن anti depration
medication علاج ilaaj
Crutches بیساکھی baisaakhi
Stethoscope سٹیتھوسکوپ Stethoscope
Wheel chair وہیل چیئر wheel chair
Ward وارڈ ward
Checkup جانچ پڑتال jaanch partaal
Emergency room ایمرجنسی روم emergency room
Thermometer تھرمامیٹر Thermometer
Ambulance ایمبولینس ambulance
Allergy الرجی allergy
Mask ماسک mask
Operating room اپریٹنگ روم apritng room
Adrenaline ایڈرینالائن Adrenaline
Plaster پلاسٹر palaster
Diet خوراک khoraak
Bed rest مکمل آرام mukammal aaraam

66 Hospital Related Vocabulary in English and Urdu

Medical vocabulary words with Urdu meanings PDF

Get the PDF lesson of these Hospital Vocabulary words below and start speaking English in the hospital with doctors and staff.


A blogger and English instructor have been teaching the English language in different institutes of Quetta, Pakistan.

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