Idioms and Proverbs

33 Proverbs in English with Urdu Meaning

Proverbs in English and Urdu

Below is a list of proverbs that we will be learning today. Proverbs are the sayings of people. You should learn these proverbs so that you can convey your message easier to the people. But first, we need to know why we should learn proverbs. They are a short saying and true words of wise people. They are generated way too far back in our history and have a long story behind them. Different cultures and languages have their different proverbs. We need to learn them.

33 Proverbs in English with Urdu Meaning

With the help of proverbs, you can easily understand a lengthy concept just in a single line. Every situation has a proverb of its very own and it will be beneficial for you to learn them as you will be able to learn lengthy concerts just in a few seconds. They are translated into Urdu for your ease so that you can have a better idea of what each proverb means.

Where there is a will, there is a way جہیں چاہ وہاں راہ
One lie leads to another        جھوٹ کی انتہا نہیں
A man is a salve to his stomach آدمی پیٹ کا غلام
A bad carpenter quarrel with his tools ناچ نہ جانے آنگن ٹیڑھا
As you sow, so shall you reap جیسی کرنی ویسی بھرنی
an empty vessel makes much noise اوچھا مرتن چھلکتا ہے
Fools praise fools گدھے کو گدھا کھجاتا ہے
Barking dogs seldom bite جو گرجتے ہیں وہ برستے نہیں
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing نیم حکیم خطرہ جاننیم حکیم خطرہ جان
It takes two to make a quarrel اس دنیا میں ہر طرح کے لوگ رہتے ہیں
A thing is not valued where it belongs جنگل میں موتی کی قدر نہیں ہوتی
All’s well that ends well انجام بھلا تو سب بھلا

Proverbs in English

Many heads many minds اپنی اپنی ڈفلی اپنا اپنا راگ
Silence is half consent خاموشی نیم رضا مندی ہے
While in Rome do as Romans do جہاں کا پیئے پانی وہاں کی بولے بانی
Penny wise found pound foolish نو نقد نہ تیرا ادھار
It takes all sorts to make the world تالی دونوں ہاتھوں سے بجتی ہے
Union is strength ایک اور ایک گیارہ
Birds of a  feather flock together ایک تھیلی کے چٹے بٹے
A friend in need is a friend indeed دوست وہی جو مصیبت میں کام آۓ
To the good, the world appears good آپ بھلا تو جگ بھلا
Style makes the man کپڑے کو دیکھ کر عزت ملتی ہے
Society molds men خربوزے کو دیکھ کر خربوزہ رنگ پکڑتا ہے

33 Proverbs in English with Urdu Meaning

A honey tongue, a heart of gall بغل میں چھری منہ میں رام رام
An empty vessel makes much noise تھوتھا چنا باجے گھنا
Truth lies at the bottom of a well موتی گہرے پانی میں ہوتا ہے
To more haste, the worse speed آگے دوڑ پیچھے چھوڑ
One nail drives another کانٹے سے کانٹآ نکلتا ہے
Health is wealth تندرستی ہزار نعمت ہے
It is not use building castles in the air من کے لڈؤں سے بھوک نہیں مٹتی
There is a time for everything ہر کام کا وقت مقرر ہے
A burnt child dreads the fire دودھ کس جلا چھاچھ کو بھی پھونک مار کر پیتا ہے
Time once lost cannot be regained گیا وقت پھر پاتھ نہیں آتا
Give loan, enemy own ادھار دیجئے دشمنی لیھئے

Proverbs in English with Urdu MeaningProverbs in English with Urdu Meanings

If you want more proverbs with their Urdu translations kindly leave us a comment and we will publish more for you.


A blogger and English instructor have been teaching the English language in different institutes of Quetta, Pakistan.

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